Municipal Court
Municipal courts handle most matters that fall within the city, town, or township where the offense occurred. That's because municipal courts have jurisdiction to hear matters that take place within the border's of its municipality.
Municipal courts preside over matters such as:
1. Disorderly person's offenses;
2. Petty-disorderly person's offenses;
3. Parking and traffic tickets;
4. Local ordinance violations; and
5. Other local violations.
Regardless of the situation, if you are facing an allegation in municipal court, you need a an experienced attorney by your side.
VANDO CARDOSO is a former New Jersey Prosecutor and Special Deputy Attorney General. He has extensive experience and skill in handling all court matters. His training, experience, and skill gives him a unique insight into how the State of New Jersey may prosecute the case.
The following are some of the matters that a New Jersey municipal court may preside over:
1. Simple Assault (including domestic violence simple assault)
2. Disorderly Conduct
3. Marijuana Possession (only less than 50 grams)
4. Shoplifting (merchandise must be valued at less than $200)
5. Harassment
6. Drug Paraphernalia
7. Having a Fake ID
8. DWI and DUI
9. Possession of CDS in a Motor Vehicle
10. Traffic and parking tickets

When a person is arrested or dealing with a municipal court matter, it is important to hire Cardoso Law immediately to protect your rights. When you hire our firm, you hire an experienced and skilled trial attorney who will advocate for your rights. Our New Jersey criminal defense firm will:
launch an active investigation into the allegations by the police;
move to release you from jail;
review all the evidence that the prosecution possesses and point out the problems in the prosecution's case;
look to negotiate the case to a lower charge or negotiate to have the case dismissed;
discuss with you all potential defenses and options for trial; and
where a conviction is inevitable, argue for a minimum sentence or request alternatives to a jail sentence.